Kube-prometheus provides quite a few great collections of components and alerts that help us monitoring our Kubernetes cluster. I’ve used it in the production cluster for serveral months. Although the project exposes a bunch of options via _config+:: to makes it partially configurable, the scope of parameters that we can modify is still limited.

The Real-life Problems

For example, we currently deploy our workloads on Google Kubernetes Engine (a.k.a. GKE) on Google Cloud Platform. GKE hosts the master node of the cluster, which could mean some components such as the scheduler and controller manager are “invisible” to users.

Therefore, the alert rule groups kube-scheduler.rules, kubernetes-system-scheduler, and kubernetes-system-controller-manager is unnecessary for us, as well as some Grafana dashboards. I personnally want to remove them to prevent potential confusion.

Another example would be editing the for field of alert rules. The default threshold of alert KubePodNotReady is 15m. This is a bit too long for our SLA. We want a shorter duration that we can tolerate.


The good news is, credit to the powerful Jsonnet syntax, we have the ability to customize and tinker the project without forking or copy-pasting.


// Part One
local prometheusRuleManipulators = [
    if !std.objectHas(rule, "alert") || rule.alert != "KubePodNotReady" then // Skip other rules
    else rule + {
      'for': '5m', // Shorten the duration
      annotations+: { // Update durations in the description at the same time
        description: std.strReplace(super.description, "15 minutes", "5 minutes"),

  function(rule) rule, // Do whatever you want

  // Add more functions in the array to customize rules

// Part Two
local applyRuleManipulators(rule, idx) =
  if !std.objectHas(rule, "alert") then // Don't apply to record rules
  else if idx >= std.length(prometheusRuleManipulators) then // Exit the recursion
    local f = prometheusRuleManipulators[idx];
    local r = f(rule);
    applyRuleManipulators(r, idx + 1);

// Part Three
local manipulatePrometheusRules(rules) = [
  applyRuleManipulators(rule, 0)
  for rule in rules // Add optional `if` to filter rules like below

local manipulatePrometheusGroups(groups) = [
  group + { rules: manipulatePrometheusRules(group.rules) }
  for group in groups if !std.member([ // Filter and remove some rule groups
  ], group.name)

local kp =
  (import 'kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus.libsonnet') + {
    prometheusAlerts+:: {
      groups: manipulatePrometheusGroups(super.groups)

// ...

Part One: prometheusRuleManipulators

As you can see, my idea was to define a bunch of “manipulators” in an array (prometheusRuleManipulators). Like middlewares in the web apps development, all HTTP requests pass through middlewares serially and can be changed before it arrives the app, I want all alerts to be sent to the manipulators and save the outputs of the last manipulator as the final results.

Part Two: applyRuleManipulators

I initally tended to implement this using for:

// Won't work
for fn in manipulators
  alert = fn(alert)

// Won't work either
local alert = fn(alert) for fn in manipulators

However, Jsonnet seemed not allowing that. So I ended up using a recursion in applyRuleManipulators. It calls the function in prometheusRuleManipulators[idx], increments idx by one, then calls itself with a larger idx, until idx >= std.length(prometheusRuleManipulators).

Part Three

I made 2 functions manipulatePrometheusGroups and manipulatePrometheusRules, which traverse the groups and rules respectively, and optionally filter out ones that we don’t utilize with the Python-style for and if.

The function manipulatePrometheusRules also calls applyRuleManipulators mentioned above to apply manipulators.

Finally, we can override the alerts by calling manipulatePrometheusGroups(super.groups) at the end.

Read More

I also found a way to edit the alerts using std.map after I’ve made this: https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/discussions/607. And a great quick-start tutorial of Jsonnet in Chinese: https://archive.li/IWlZG, https://archive.li/L4k1L.